Our services are addressed to companies –private or state– or individuals that demand efficient solutions. We specialize in the translation of both, official and non official documents from and to several languages.
- Non official: Within the non official scope we work with different fields such as the technical, literary, audiovisual (subtitling, scripts, etc), among others.
-Official: In Uruguay, official translations are those which require the signature and seal of a Public Translator to be considered effective as such. Foreign documents or those to be presented abroad should be legalized before the corresponding consulates and ministries. We know that these proceedings may be a little tiresome so we offer proceeding assistance services to take the necessary steps to validate your documents.
Proof-reading and editing of texts
The final revision of a text is essential in its development. This implies the checking of spelling, grammar, syntax and style by means of a thorough and critical reading. This procedure is applicable to previously translated or original texts such as literary works, scripts, reviews, reports, technical texts, articles, essays, thesis, web pages, etc.
Layout and graphic design
In order to shorten the steps between your original Project and its final translated or edited version, we have a handful of talented graphic designers that turn the source-language document into its exact replica in the target-language, sticking to its format and layout.
We offer simultaneous, consecutive and liaison interpretation services. In the case of simultaneous interpretation we offer integrated solutions, including the necessary cabins for conferences, events, lectures, etc.